Privacy Policy
Personal Data
An Individual’s confidentiality and personal information is protected by the Data Protection Act, from 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the privacy and electronic communication regulations 2016 (PECR).
Personal Data which the Doddington Diary holds on individuals includes; name, address, post code, telephone number, email address, details of involvement with groups and organisations and photographic material submitted by such groups and organisations.
Personal Data is held by the Doddington Diary in order to collate details of news and events including photographs of happenings in Doddington to result in a publication each month which is distributed free to the residents and businesses of Doddington. The publication is also available as a free subscription to be sent digitally to individuals who subscribe via the website
Contact information such as names and emails are stored on a personal computer owned by the Doddington Diary Team, is password protected and kept in a secure location. This information will not be shared with, nor access given to any other person outside of the Doddington Diary Committee.
The Doddington Diary seek confirmation from all its contributors, that they have received consent from the individuals in their reports and photographs for their information to be shared publicly.
Doddington Diary have never and will never sell or pass on personal information to third parties.
The Doddington Diary seek confirmation from all its subscribers, to ensure they have consented to receive communications electronically. On the first day of every month, subscribers will be sent a copy of the Doddington Diary to their registered email address. The email will also include instructions on how to stop the subscription.
Individual contacts for groups and organisations may receive a monthly email reminder for them to send in their report. Groups may also receive occasional updates from the Doddington Diary Team.
Social Media
Doddington Diary maintains a website to advertise community groups and organisation’s events, details of which have been submitted (from said groups and organisations) for publication in the monthly magazine. We will also share relevant information from other Social Media sites. Doddington Diary does not have a Facebook or Twitter presence and will never share photographs on Social Media provided by groups and organisations unless separate explicit consent to do so is received from the individual/s in the photograph or those photographs which have already been posted on a public Social Media page.
Doddington Diary are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any Social Media company.
(Updated December 2022)