All news, articles and event information published within the Doddington Diary are accepted and included in good faith and are the express opinions of the contributors themselves and not necessarily the views of the Doddington Diary. We can not be held responsible if incorrect information has been provided within these documents.
Please do not send original photographs to us. If you provide us with photographs, please ensure you have obtained the necessary permission from all of the people in the photographs and that they agree to their use, so as to comply with data protection.
All details should be supplied to us by the 15th of the month, anything after this time may not be considered for inclusion. We cannot guarantee any information received before or after the deadline will be included in the magazine as it will depend on the size, its content and page confines. This also means that we may adjust or scale down an article or notice in an attempt to include everything we have received and to represent all contributors; but only until the page allocation is complete.
We will not accept items which we feel are potentially contentious or damaging to others.
Thank you